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Helping Youth Homelessness this Christmas

This year, on behalf of each Libratum Expert, Libratum has donated a Christmas meal for a young homeless person with the youth charity, Centrepoint.

Centrepoint provides housing and support for young people across the UK. This Christmas, they estimate that over 29,000 young people will be homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Young people have different issues and needs to adults, so they are many reasons why they can become homeless. It's often because it's not safe for them to stay at home, or family life has become too hard.

This year, Centrepoint will be facing a hugely challenging Christmas, as the pandemic and the subsequent recession mean that more and more young people have lost their jobs, their homes, and are forced to sleep rough.

Centrepoint says:

"By giving a charity Christmas gift from Centrepoint to friends and loved ones this Christmas, you'll be giving More Than a Gift. You’ll be helping young people at a time when they need it most. From a Christmas dinner to a room of their own, you’ll know that your kindness and generosity are helping homeless young people begin to rebuild their futures.

Why not give a gift on behalf of your family or a friend? Simply choose the gift and you'll be able to send them a personalised Christmas eCard."

Young people that come to Centrepoint are able to stay with us for up to two years. An amazing 94 per cent of these young people then move into their own homes, reconnect with their families, get their first jobs or go to university.

Centrepoint aim to give homeless young people a future and want to end youth homelessness by 2037.

Can you also support them by donating a Christmas gift this year?


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