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Toolkit: Nurturing Your Mental Wellbeing as a HR Professional

The role of an HR professional is multifaceted and demanding, often requiring navigating complex interpersonal dynamics, managing conflict, and making decisions that impact individuals or the entire organisation. In this often-high-pressure environment, mental wellbeing can easily be overlooked. However, research consistently demonstrates the significant impact of mental health on job performance, productivity, and overall life satisfaction.

As such, it is imperative for HR professionals to prioritise their own wellbeing, not only for personal fulfilment but also to model healthy behaviours for their teams.

Here we delve into evidence-based strategies that HR managers can integrate into their daily routines to foster positive wellbeing and resilience.

These practices, backed by scientific research, can empower HR professionals to thrive in their roles while cultivating a positive and supportive workplace culture.

Pause and Assess

Visualise your life as a wheel, with segments representing physical health, emotional wellbeing, relationships, career, and personal growth. Use the Libratum Six Wellness Elements of Mind, Body, Emotions, Connection, Environment and Purpose for this wheel analysis, and you can break the elements down into smaller areas as you see fit. Rate your satisfaction in each area to help you identify those areas requiring attention so you can best prioritise your efforts.

Once you've identified key areas for improvement, it's time to set SMART goals—those that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These goals should be tailored to your individual needs and aspirations. For instance, if emotional wellbeing emerges as a priority, you might set a goal to practice mindfulness for 15 minutes daily and engage in relaxing activities three times a week.

Next, take a look at your current habits. A meticulous log of your daily activities can illuminate the impact of your routines on your mood and energy levels. Recognising the positive habits that already contribute to your wellbeing, such as daily walks, reinforces these behaviours. Conversely, identifying negative habits, like excessive screen time, poor diet or neglecting sleep, provides the starting point for targeted interventions. Armed with this self-awareness, you can now develop actionable strategies.

Healthy Habits You Might Consider Incorporating into Your Everyday Life

1.     Environmental Engineering

Your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your habits. Surround yourself with cues that encourage healthy choices. If your goal is to drink more water, keep a reusable water bottle at your desk. If you want to eat healthier, stock your kitchen or take to work nutritious snacks and ingredients. Avoid temptations that trigger unhealthy behaviours. For example, if you're trying to reduce social media usage, keep your phone out of sight and on silent mode during designated work periods.

2.     Mindful Breaks

Research indicates that brief periods of mindfulness can significantly reduce stress and improve focus. Incorporate short mindfulness exercises into your day, such as deep breathing or mindful walking. Set reminders on your calendar or utilise mindfulness apps to prompt these restorative breaks.

3.     "Brain Dump" Journaling

Lauren Bosstick, founder of The Skinny Confidential, swears by "brain dumping" – writing down all thoughts and worries to clear mental clutter and enhance focus. This practice aligns with research showing that expressive writing can reduce stress and improve mood.

4.     Movement Micro-Doses

Physical activity has been shown to improve mood and reduce anxiety. Integrate short bursts of movement into your workday, such as a quick walk during your lunch break or a few stretches at your desk. Consider utilising a standing desk or walking meetings to increase physical activity throughout the day.

5.     Adaptogenic Drinks

Explore adaptogens, natural substances that help the body adapt to stress. Dr. Josh Axe recommends incorporating adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil into teas or smoothies for improved energy, focus, and stress resilience. However, always consult with your GP before starting any new supplements such as these.

6.     Breathwork for Focus

Dr. Andrew Weil's 4-7-8 breathing technique (inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds) is a powerful tool to calm the nervous system and enhance focus. Studies have shown that controlled breathing exercises can improve cognitive performance and reduce anxiety.

7.     Pomodoro Technique

Work in focused 25-minute intervals followed by 5-minute breaks, as advocated by the Pomodoro Technique. This method maximises productivity by aligning with the brain's natural attention cycles.

8.     Gratitude Jar

Gratitude has been linked to increased happiness and resilience. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether it's a supportive colleague, a successful project, or simply the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

Keep a jar at your desk and write down daily wins or moments of gratitude. This practice, endorsed by happiness researcher Shawn Achor, can rewire your brain to focus on the positive and boost overall happiness.

9.     Establish Clear Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life is essential for preventing burnout. Set specific work hours and avoid checking emails or taking work calls outside of those times. Prioritise self-care activities in the evenings and on weekends to recharge and rejuvenate.

Regularly track your progress and adjust your strategies as needed. A simple journal can be a powerful tool for noting your daily habits, emotions, and energy levels. Reflect on what works and what doesn’t and be willing to adapt your approach as you learn more about yourself.

Wellbeing is an ongoing journey, not a destination. It requires consistent effort, self-compassion, and a willingness to adapt and experiment with different strategies. By incorporating these evidence-based practices into your daily routine, you are investing in your own wellbeing and setting a positive example for your team and organisation.

Learn more about Libratum's AI-powered wellness solution and book a demo today, by contacting


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