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What is Wellbeing and Why Does it Matter?

By Suzette Tagg, Professional Wellness Coach and Co-Founder of Libratum

Take a deep breath and pause for just a moment. Then ask yourself this question;

"Am I comfortable, healthy and happy?"

Not surprisingly, given the pace and complexity of modern life, many people struggle with their health and wellbeing. All of us, at one time or another, experience challenges that can affect our overall wellbeing. If you answered yes, then you are living in a way that positively supports your overall wellbeing. If you answered no to any or all of these states, then there is an opportunity for positive change, that will enable you to have the life you truly want and deserve.

The Oxford English Dictionary, defines wellbeing as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.” Wellbeing means different things to different people at different times. It is personal and unique to each of us. What works for one person, may not work for another because we are all motivated differently. Each stage of life too, presents us with different needs, challenges and opportunities. What matters to us at twenty, is not the same as when we are forty or fifty.

How we feel about our personal wellbeing is foundational to how successfully we overcome challenges and difficulties in life, as well as achieve our goals and dreams. It is also underpins our relationships and connections with others and our ability to support those around us. By nurturing and taking care of our own wellbeing, we are better able to support those who depend on us.

More Than Just Physical Health

Our wellbeing is impacted by many things. Our physical health is just one important element of our wellbeing, but it’s only small part of the overall picture. Our mental and emotional health are equally important, along with our relationships, financial security and our environment. Even our happiness is closely tied to the fulfilment of personal goals, our sense of purpose, spirituality and our ability to control our life. Our past experiences and learned behaviours can shape our mindset, perceptions and beliefs, all of which can negatively or positively impact our overall wellbeing.

In today’s world, health has become about managing symptoms and tracking health by numbers. Whilst these are helpful and necessary, we need to understand that our health is not just about how much we weigh or our blood pressure results. Health does not operate in a vacuum and it’s about so much more.

Wellness as a Whole Human Being

The relationship between our mind and body are interconnected and inter-dependant. For example, when we experience stress or anxiety in one area of our life, it can affect our ability to get a good night’s sleep and in turn, our focus and concentration at work may suffer. We may take less care of ourselves and over time, feel less able to cope.

Taking a holistic and integrated approach to our health and wellbeing is the best way we can make lasting positive changes to our life. When we make a positive change in one area of our life, it can positively impact other areas of our life too. It doesn’t have to be a big climb to the top, even small, incremental changes that are embedded into our daily routines, can truly make a difference.

The Libratum Wellness Philosophy can help you identify the specific areas of your life to focus on. It’s worth saying that the aim here is not to achieve perfection, but rather to find balance in areas of our life that may be out of balance or not working well as well as we would like. Then you can introduce those small, incremental changes towards your goals that will be long-lasting.

Suzette Tagg

Co-Founder of Libratum,

Professional Wellness Coach,

Yoga & Pilates Teacher

Suzette is a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, with more than 25 years’ experience in senior leadership in the technology sector. Suzette specialises in coaching busy professionals to support them in finding their purpose, following their passion and fulfilling their potential.


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